Use this procedure to start an Ansys job using Open OnDemand -> VNC
Log in to - this uses SSO, so you must use your University credentials.
Choose an Interactive XFCE Desktop from the top menu
On the next page, choose the number of cores you'd like to use, the partition and enter any other arguments. If you add the --exclusive
argument, you'll get an entire node and all its cores (regardless of the 'Num Cores' value)
After entering the parameters, click the blue 'Launch' button and you should see your job get queued and then eventually it will run (you don't need to refresh the page or anything) and you'll see:
Click the 'Launch XFCE' button and an new Tab/Window will open with the desktop interface provided by VNC. Launch the Workbench application from the Applications menu
You should then have a Workbench
When you're done with the analysis - click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen and choose "Log Out..."
If you do not log-out, the cluster node will remain in use until the 'wall-time' is reached.